Monday, August 29, 2016


...people love to say Jesus talked about "Hel" more than anybody else in the Bible. Actually, he talked about Gehennah and Hades, and then much later we translated it "hell", which comes from "Hel". Hel was the Norse, mythological goddess of the dead. Furthermore, I can definitely demonstrate that almost all these supposed references to "Hel" by Jesus are not nearly as conclusive as people want to think. Even Francis Chan, in "Erasing Hell" admits this fact - and he is arguing in FAVOUR of the doctrine of eternal conscious torment (or, at least, as in favour of it as he can be - even he admits he hates the thing; he just thinks it is a necessary evil). For example, "where the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched"? That is a reference to the last verse of Isaiah; and THAT verse is NOT depicting eternal conscious torment AT ALL! Rather, the fact that certain people would not receive an honourable burial - and that was an EXTREMELY important thing to a Jew.



Saturday, August 27, 2016

I met Emily... - Revised the Taber Cornfest free breakfast, and found out she lives in the Steinbach area. She told me that the Sodomite parade in Steinbach this year was the first one! My two cents was, "Shut it down! Don't let there ever be another one." I included some caveats, though: REPENT of preaching "Hel", or eternal conscious torment, because that does NOT help! Anything! Or anyone! It is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT NOT HELPFUL! And it is OBVIOUSLY an EVIL INVENTION! Want to know how? Go directly, to your Bible. Do not pass Go, and do not collect $200. Start reading at Genesis and keep reading until you see the word "hell" even ONCE! Any questions? The other caveat is that THESE YOUNG PEOPLE WHO CANNOT CONTAIN AND THEREFORE ARE FORNICATING NEED TO BE ALLOWED AND EVEN ENCOURAGED TO GET MARRIED! Read I Corinthians 7, and while at it? Don't forget verse thirty six!



P.S. Wait! Let me guess! "What about Jesus?" OH! WHAT ABOUT JESUS? "WHAT ABOUT JESUS, INDEED!" "A bruised reed he will not crush, and a smoking flax he will not put out!" Oh! "What about Jesus", indeed! Let us REPENT of putting out smoking flaxes and crushing bruised reeds with that horrid doctrine of eternal conscious torment, IN JESUS' NAME!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Alright, so...

...I go to do my Bible reading for this morning, according to the lectionary in my 1611 Edition of the King James Bible; and I think I know what it is going to be, because I read Daniel Chapter 12 last night... and there are only 12 chapters... so I am thinking it will be Hosea 1...

But it isn't! It is Daniel Chapter 13! It was the story of Susanna in the Apocrypha. And, for this evening, it will be "Chapter 14", or "Bel and the Dragon"!



P.S. I am watching this.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Ever since...

...I saw that headline, I wanted to visit this town. The one that said they had made it ILLEGAL to swear in Taber! Now, I finally get to visit the place. I didn't get to see the whole parade, but I tried (and I mean, really tried) to get here on time. By the way, I really hope that tells you something about me! I mean, I was late for the TABER PARADE! I did NOT want to be late for the Taber Parade. Therefor, when people give me grief over my struggles to be on time, it is very hurtful.



Friday, August 12, 2016

Was it ever nice!... see my family here! Brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews! I am so blessed!



Thursday, August 11, 2016

I am in Saskatoon for... uncle's funeral at the moment. The funeral was yesterday, and we buried his remains this morning.



Saturday, August 6, 2016

That stuff!...

...It is still on the floor... I am still sleeping on the futon (which is still "folded up" into a "couch"); but I do not want to. I have got to get that stuff off the floor, somehow; but, Oh! Do I EVER pray for God to bring me my wife, SOON! In Jesus' name!



Friday, August 5, 2016

I dumped all my stuff from the futon... my room onto the floor where I usually sleep, and I may need to dry clean one of my blankets, so it does not smell.



Wednesday, August 3, 2016


...I sure do know I really have to wait right now! And that is what I am doing...

