Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Google Group

Just in case it is of interest, I do have a Google Group. Some of you I think know that, in which case you may prefer to just read my updates here, and that is perfectly OK. If you did not know about the Google Group, however, this is what two email updates from the group would look like (if, of course, you chose to get new posts and replies by email). I try in general to keep messages to the Google group consise, and then elaborate here as I am able. Thanks for visiting my blog, and may God richly bless you.

Here are the two messages from the Google Group:

Have I been regular enough with these. If not, I apologize. Today was quite a good
teaching day. I went to SohkChoh City, on the East Coast during my vacation at the
beginning of this month. It was a good two days.

Today, I rehearsed a play "the Big Carrot" with two kindergarten classes. I have a lip
ulcer, which has caused a lot of pain - but it is healing up, and I thank God for that.
Being late for church has kind of dogged my steps while here in Korea, and I believe God
would have me "smarten up" in that regard. I have used a lot of excuses, but I sure hate
it when students are late. I should go for now. If God will, I will send another message



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This is to follow up the other update where I had to run. As I said, I had a really bad
lip ulcer - which I obviously did not realize the serious of. It was extremely painful,
and (please bear with me in this but...) rubbing salt on lip sores is not recommended in
my books! I thought it might "disinfect" it, but - other than hurting extremely much, I
think it actually made matters worse. If not salt, then what? (Drum roll...) Propolis!
That and some other ointment you put on before going to bed. How do I know all this?
Monica. My "angel friend".

I say that, because she has really come to the rescue in many respects. She is a wonderful
"older sister", whom I originally taught at the library as a substitute. Then she came to
some Bible studies at my apartment. She has had me over a few times, and I have met her
husband and son and daughter. She even tried to "set me up" with a woman - who was
actually pretty good, but we could not communicate well. I was just reminded of Psalm 124,
and it says, in so many words, "If it was not the LORD who was on our side... 'Everybody
now'... If it was not the LORD who was on our side... we would have been gonners!... Good
thing the LORD was on our side!" To that Psalm I say a hearty "Amen"!

Classes are going well, but the battle is still exhausting, and I need continued help from
the LORD! Sleeping, eating, getting to work and church on time, reading Psalms, Proverbs,
and Genesis (following an intensive reading plan for this important book)... That is
keeping me "hopping". I also have met a young man named Hyeohng Gyooh, who has been an
inspiration and blessing. He has been getting back into the "Church scene", but needs
prayer for kicking a certain bad habit (and I relate to that, alright).

I recently learned the "Korean alphabet" forwards and backwards. It has 140 "letters". The
first 14 are "gah nah dah rah mah bah sah ah jah chah kah tah pah hah". Backwards: "Hah
pah tah kah chah jah ah sah bah mah rah dah nah gah". The other 126 "letters" consist of
substituting for "ah": "yah", and then "eoh yeoh oeh yoeh ooh yooh ih eeh". So, for
example, "letters" 15, 16, 17... are "Gyah nyah dyah..." You can set them up in a grid,
with the consonants at the top in a row, and the vowels to the left in a column, and go to
town, if so inclined! Of course, that is my best attempt at communicating the sounds. They
are actually written in "Hangul" - or the Korean alphabet. This page shows you what the
actual characters look like:

Bye for now!


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Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Thanks for praying

Ye must have been praying, because last night was great! I also had picked up a Korean hymn book from the second hand shop. Now, most of the books I got were dirt cheap, but not the hymn book! It was FREE! They charged me NOTHING for it (and, while I am talking about it, neither did the other books, because Monica donated her credit for donated items to my card, so I still have credit on my card there). Last night I was up until past midnight finding favourite hymns, and singing them - in Korean. It is so unspeakably rewarding to finally be able to do that. It has been such a long time coming. Now, I can recognize a hymn, and - if I know the melody well enough - sing it in Korean. I may not know the meaning of every word I am singing, but my level of comprehension has never been this high - not even close.

Words are "ripening" in my mind like fruit off of a tree. So, needless to say, I am feeling a lot better today than yesterday. The main reason, I think, was a free hymn book from a second hand shop (possibly run by the Young Men's Christian Association, aka YMCA).


Monday, August 7, 2006

Joyful, Though Sorrowful

Some days, I am "up", but today is not one of those days. The "in sorrow" God guaranteed Adam in Genesis 3 was not a joke, and today I am keenly aware of that. I am just thankful not everyday feels like today. But, nevertheless, the sun was shining for most of today (there was an impressive thunderstorm, but I enjoyed that too). My friend, Monica, from the Bible study showed me the second hand shop. I actually got a card there, and picked up some Korean children's books (a great way to learn Korean). I also enjoyed teaching a good many of my students. As for the things that cause sorrow, I commit them to God, and gratefully receive what prayers ye (I mean "you") are willing and able to say on my behalf.

