Thursday, December 28, 2006

That was and is a statement of faith!

I mean the statement that I would, and will, God willing, start working at my old private school again. I still make that statement of faith, but admit it is only by faith that I make it. Then again, I suppose that, seeing it can only be made by faith, it is a good example OF faith - after all, if I had sight to go on, then faith would not be required, and how could I prove that I had faith. Therefore, Hallelujah! I praise God for this opportunity to demonstrate that I DO trust him to give me my job back - by faith, and faith alone. If you, the readers, would also be willing, I would ask that ye also believe, pray, and praise with me for God to - indeed - give me my job back. I believe there is a lot of important work to be done yet.


NOTE: I am just reading this LONG after the fact, on the 16th day of the 10th month, 2009. Looking back, obviously God DID answer my prayer; but, also obviously, his answer was "No". I never did get my job back. As things happened, I said, "Goodbye" to my students, and finally came back to Canada. I suppose it goes to show, soberingly, that we can "have faith" for things that do not actually wind up happening. Then again, who knows, maybe I will teach yet again someday...

Monday, December 25, 2006


Thanks for praying. Now, please pray God would mercifully redeem the private school I worked at, and - God willing - will resume working at soon.


As I said before (in other posts), after the fact, I can see that God had other plans, and that I was not to work at that private school. (Post Script Written 16th day/10th month/2009)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I am definitely in need of prayer

Things are definitely looking grim from my perspective, especially in the flesh. I am looking at some big trouble, and I take responsibility for my situation. I simply need you to pray God would show up, and redeem me. Thanks.



Looking back on this post, the following verse comes to mind: And [Jonah] said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the LORD, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, [and] thou heardest my voice. (Jonah 2:2). (16th day/10th month/2009)

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Well, it is over (the sports event last Lord's Day), and I am thankful for that. What happened, was that I showed up at 9AM, the event started after 10AM, went to church at 10:40AM or so, church was at 11:30AM (not 11, as I had thought), I was done at 1PM, I phoned Diane, lunch was over at the sports event, therefore I went for lunch with people from church, I got back at about 2:20 PM, and the event was over by 3PM.

Therefore, I did not really participate in the event very much. I certainly was not there for the song they danced to. I also was not asked to to the song I had offered to do. I did, however, see a lot of my students and their parents, and enjoyed doing so.

We also went out for dinner, which turned out to also be a drinking party - which I found dissapointing. As I said, I sure am glad it is all over. I am not a citizen of this world, and I cannot wait to finally get home to heaven. I plan, God willing, to get my chest X-rayed. I have had a cough for about a month and a half now.

Update: I just had my chest X-rayed, and found that I have mild bronchitis. The doctor gave me a four-day prescription. I just need to wrap things up on this computer, get home, and get to bed!



Friday, October 13, 2006

Open Door, Please

There is a sports event scheduled for this Lord's Day ("Sun Day") morning. I have told them I do not like the timing, but they have insisted on having it at this time. I plan, therefore, God willing, to leave, go to church, and come back.

I also covet prayers, as they can be offered, and God's coverage as I ask God for an "open door, which no man can shut." They are planning to have the staff and Kindergarten students dance to a certain song, which I do not plan to dance to. The song is a Korean Pop-rock song, which I do not feel comfortable with at all. I do not like the fact that we are teaching kindergarten students to dance to this kind of music.

I will, however, more than gladly sing and dance to "Jehoshaphat" with my students. I just need to be asked. This is one of my favorite songs, and students in the past have loved it - and who am I to blame them? Only God can turn the heart of Mr. Lee, the school president, and Diane, my supervisor, to do this. But turn their heart is exactly what I pray he would do. After all:

The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water; he turneth it withersoever he will. Proverbs 23:1 - right?

I also really need to rest up tonight and tomorrow (it is "Freya" or "Fri Day" night), in order to get over this stubborn and nasty cough. Bye for now.


P.S. After the fact: I never did do that song with more than just my own students in the classroom (and even that stopped (at least for the most part), when my Supervisor said she did not even want me to do that). My students did, however, enjoy the song while it lasted (and even sang is spontaneously after I stopped singing, as ordered by my Supervisor).  I trust I will one day sing this song with those same students, but I will leave the "when" and "how" with God. (16th day/10th month/2009)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Sorry if this is late, but open class went really well - at least according to the parent
evaluations. I decided to "take my money and run" with that. Probably the scariest part
was when I moved a chair, thinking the students would understand I was rearranging the
classroom. Instead, they sat down again - including Janny, whose chair I had moved. Seeing
her chair was no longer where she thought it was, she "sat in mid-air" and gravity took
her down for a frightening landing. She hit the floor and "rocked backwards". Parents sort
of gasped in horror at the sight, and I quickly got Janny up into her chair and apologized
profusely for what had happened. It seemed like she was teetering on crying, but perhaps I
managed to do her crying for her (inwardly), because she came around wonderfully.

I would have loved to see the classes and the play ("The Big Carrot") go far smoother, but
- again - parents said very good things about me, so "Hah-leh-looh-yah!" I am still
recovering from my cough, and do think prayers for recovery are not in vain.

Rebecca and Lisa - 6th graders in "M6C" are also people I pray God would help me with.
They intermittently "do nothing" - even when I really seek to spell out what they are to do.
It is not a fun situation at all. I am, however, very encouraged, because yesterday I had
yet another new kindergarten student, and today all my students came to class on time with
applicable homework done. Now THAT'S a "100%" I do not take for granted.



Friday, September 8, 2006

Broken and Smoking

That is how I feel right now, and Spurgeon's devotional spoke very well to that. I have a "bad enough" cough, which I would not want to get any worse, and I am SO happy it is the weekend. This morning, I got up at about 5:30 AM to go play four of my Tantrix tournament games. (Tantrix is a "table-top" game that can be played online, which is where I played my tournament games). I lost them all, probably partly because I was so tired. The fact that I was tired, furthermore, made losing a really frustrating experience!

Last week, I got behind, and had trouble making my appointments to play my tournament games - so I was finally getting around to playing these games. I have been in several tournaments, and lost them all. Why do I keep playing in them? That is precisely what I was asking myself this morning!

Well, the rest of my teaching day was not the worst it has been, but it still was enough to really make me happy it is finally the weekend. Now I need to get lots of rest, good food, and maybe even medicine. I will have to consult with my friendly neighbourhood nurse - Monica. She is a very kind "older sister" (married with two children in Middle School and High School respectively, whose husband I have met and gotten along with very well). She will probably give me some medicine, and I will probably take it.

I sure do look forward to being married and having a family - although I do admit I have no idea what that all entails. I will find out, God willing, soon enough - and I cannot wait!

Bye for now.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 04:38:51 -0400
Subject: Faith's Checkbook by C.H. Spurgeon

Faith's Checkbook by C.H. Spurgeon
Friday September 8, 2006

Broken and Smoking

A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench. (Isaiah 42:3)

Then I may reckon upon tender treatment from my Lord. Indeed, I feel myself to be at best
as weak, as pliant, as worthless as a reed. Someone said, "I don't care a rush for you";
and the speech, though unkind, was not untrue. Alas! I am worse than a reed when it grows
by the river, for that at least can hold up its head. I am bruised--sorely, sadly bruised.
There is no music in me now; there is a rift which lets out all the melody. Ah, me! Yet
Jesus will not break me; and if He will not, then I mind little what others try to do. O
sweet and compassionate Lord, I nestle down beneath Thy protection and forget my bruises!

Truly I am also fit to be likened to "the smoking flax," whose light is gone, and only its
smoke remains. I fear I am rather a nuisance than a benefit. My fears tell me that the
devil has blown out my light and left me an obnoxious smoke, and that my Lord will soon
put an extinguisher upon me. Yet I perceive that though there were snuffers under the law,
there were no extinguishers, and Jesus will not quench me; therefore, I am hopeful. Lord,
kindle me anew and cause me to shine forth to Thy glory and to the extolling of Thy

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Friday, September 1, 2006

I shall not die

I started today listening to a song about a man who woke up, and did not want to "get up". This was particularly because I did not want to get up, either. But I did, and - while this may have been an excruciating workday - it is over, and for that praise the LORD! The man in the song was about to be crucified, and I was about to learn painful lessons. One is that Kindergarten Lesson plans must be done at 5PM on "Thursday" - not "Friday" afternoon. I would have done those sooner, but I thought I should finish my evaluations first, and those took a longer time than I had budgeted for. I ran into a "backlog".

In my afternoon classes, I had had to deal with a student that is typically "friendly", but these days is not so friendly. She was doing other homework in my class, claiming she did not have her old books (which I wanted to finish today), although I knew she did have her old books (I had seen them in her bag). I was very angry about her doing other homework from another class in mine, and made her stand in the corner with her hands up. For the rest of the class, she made of point of basically just sitting there, and doing precious little, if anything. I let her sit there, to a degree, but still insisted on the "precious little" part. It was like pulling teeth, and extremely unpleasant.

Then there was my last class. Two students had quit - one a very good student, the other a very smart but thorny student with a lot to learn. Well, today, I learned that yet another "good student" was quitting. The class was basically a nightmare. When the bell finally rang, the class just disbanded, and I am left with a terrible feeling. Two more students are thinking of quitting. Not exactly "prime students", but I am in no mood to lose any students from this class. It could be the students know I do not want them to leave, and are therefore not respecting my authority. I reminded them that I serve God, and that he can deal with them if they do not listen to me.

My conscience is clean with this class, although I cannot claim I am happy about where we are. I am most unhappy with the state of this class, and resolve to roll up my sleeves and get it where it needs to be, by the grace of God. I am thinking of a Teddy Roosevelt quote, which I really like:

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

I really feel like my back is against the wall in that one class (called "M5A"), but King David (who was not officially king yet) also knew that feeling. "King" Saul had him "surrounded" on a mountain, and it looked like it was curtains. I do not know if he said it then, but David said at one point, "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD." (Psalm 118:16, 17 or somewhere around there in that Psalm.) Either way, David came out of that predicament alive, because God looked down and said, "It is not time for David to die. Philistines... Please go get Saul off David's trail. The Philistines said, 'We're on it,'" And that was the end of Saul's "opportunity" to finish David off.

Well, there I am in M5A. I have had three students (out of nine) quit, and two are thinking of quitting. That just plain cannot be good for me as a teacher - but am I going to worry about it? No way! I am going to look to God to step in and see that I am saved. God knows what these students are thinking. All I know is they are not treating me with respect, and they may even just like the thought of quitting to cause me problems. Then again, they may just be dissatisfied with the education they are getting, and I may just have to make sure they get a better product. I am perfectly content to let God be the judge of that. I will not worry about it, though. I will wait on the LORD, and he shall save me (Proverbs 21:23?).

Your prayers are most appreciated. This evening collection of Scripture quotations was very helpful. A student asked me last class if I believed in God. I said, "Yes, definitely." I explained that, if my fingerprint is proof of me, then I am a proof of God. I pray that God would honour me, seeing I have honoured him.




If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report.--All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.-- --The offence of the cross ceased.

If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy [are ye]; . . . but let none of you suffer as a murderer, or [as] a thief, or [as] an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters. Yet if [any man suffer] as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.

Unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake.--If one died for all, then were all dead: And [that] he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.--If we suffer, we shall also reign with [him].

Lu 9:23 2Co 6:8 2Ti 3:12 Ga 5:11 1:10 1Pe 4:14-16 Php 1:29 2Co 5:14,15 2Ti 2:12

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Google Group

Just in case it is of interest, I do have a Google Group. Some of you I think know that, in which case you may prefer to just read my updates here, and that is perfectly OK. If you did not know about the Google Group, however, this is what two email updates from the group would look like (if, of course, you chose to get new posts and replies by email). I try in general to keep messages to the Google group consise, and then elaborate here as I am able. Thanks for visiting my blog, and may God richly bless you.

Here are the two messages from the Google Group:

Have I been regular enough with these. If not, I apologize. Today was quite a good
teaching day. I went to SohkChoh City, on the East Coast during my vacation at the
beginning of this month. It was a good two days.

Today, I rehearsed a play "the Big Carrot" with two kindergarten classes. I have a lip
ulcer, which has caused a lot of pain - but it is healing up, and I thank God for that.
Being late for church has kind of dogged my steps while here in Korea, and I believe God
would have me "smarten up" in that regard. I have used a lot of excuses, but I sure hate
it when students are late. I should go for now. If God will, I will send another message



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This is to follow up the other update where I had to run. As I said, I had a really bad
lip ulcer - which I obviously did not realize the serious of. It was extremely painful,
and (please bear with me in this but...) rubbing salt on lip sores is not recommended in
my books! I thought it might "disinfect" it, but - other than hurting extremely much, I
think it actually made matters worse. If not salt, then what? (Drum roll...) Propolis!
That and some other ointment you put on before going to bed. How do I know all this?
Monica. My "angel friend".

I say that, because she has really come to the rescue in many respects. She is a wonderful
"older sister", whom I originally taught at the library as a substitute. Then she came to
some Bible studies at my apartment. She has had me over a few times, and I have met her
husband and son and daughter. She even tried to "set me up" with a woman - who was
actually pretty good, but we could not communicate well. I was just reminded of Psalm 124,
and it says, in so many words, "If it was not the LORD who was on our side... 'Everybody
now'... If it was not the LORD who was on our side... we would have been gonners!... Good
thing the LORD was on our side!" To that Psalm I say a hearty "Amen"!

Classes are going well, but the battle is still exhausting, and I need continued help from
the LORD! Sleeping, eating, getting to work and church on time, reading Psalms, Proverbs,
and Genesis (following an intensive reading plan for this important book)... That is
keeping me "hopping". I also have met a young man named Hyeohng Gyooh, who has been an
inspiration and blessing. He has been getting back into the "Church scene", but needs
prayer for kicking a certain bad habit (and I relate to that, alright).

I recently learned the "Korean alphabet" forwards and backwards. It has 140 "letters". The
first 14 are "gah nah dah rah mah bah sah ah jah chah kah tah pah hah". Backwards: "Hah
pah tah kah chah jah ah sah bah mah rah dah nah gah". The other 126 "letters" consist of
substituting for "ah": "yah", and then "eoh yeoh oeh yoeh ooh yooh ih eeh". So, for
example, "letters" 15, 16, 17... are "Gyah nyah dyah..." You can set them up in a grid,
with the consonants at the top in a row, and the vowels to the left in a column, and go to
town, if so inclined! Of course, that is my best attempt at communicating the sounds. They
are actually written in "Hangul" - or the Korean alphabet. This page shows you what the
actual characters look like:

Bye for now!


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Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Thanks for praying

Ye must have been praying, because last night was great! I also had picked up a Korean hymn book from the second hand shop. Now, most of the books I got were dirt cheap, but not the hymn book! It was FREE! They charged me NOTHING for it (and, while I am talking about it, neither did the other books, because Monica donated her credit for donated items to my card, so I still have credit on my card there). Last night I was up until past midnight finding favourite hymns, and singing them - in Korean. It is so unspeakably rewarding to finally be able to do that. It has been such a long time coming. Now, I can recognize a hymn, and - if I know the melody well enough - sing it in Korean. I may not know the meaning of every word I am singing, but my level of comprehension has never been this high - not even close.

Words are "ripening" in my mind like fruit off of a tree. So, needless to say, I am feeling a lot better today than yesterday. The main reason, I think, was a free hymn book from a second hand shop (possibly run by the Young Men's Christian Association, aka YMCA).


Monday, August 7, 2006

Joyful, Though Sorrowful

Some days, I am "up", but today is not one of those days. The "in sorrow" God guaranteed Adam in Genesis 3 was not a joke, and today I am keenly aware of that. I am just thankful not everyday feels like today. But, nevertheless, the sun was shining for most of today (there was an impressive thunderstorm, but I enjoyed that too). My friend, Monica, from the Bible study showed me the second hand shop. I actually got a card there, and picked up some Korean children's books (a great way to learn Korean). I also enjoyed teaching a good many of my students. As for the things that cause sorrow, I commit them to God, and gratefully receive what prayers ye (I mean "you") are willing and able to say on my behalf.



Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"All over"

I had my first supper/Bible study at my appartment last "Saturday". I must say, it is humbling just to think of how God had brought it all together. It started with me "subbing" at the library, and then chatting with a couple of students on an "off-day" when there was "no class", but we had shown up anyway. We got talking about the Bible, and one woman asked if I had a Bible study. I said, "Good question."

That question got answered, officially, last "Saturn Day" (the 23rd). At least 7 people showed up, and indicated, as far as I can remember, that they would be back in a week! We read Psalm 78, Genesis 1, John 1, and I Peter 1:1. I pointed out that, as we read in the Bible - and as we also find today - the world that then was, was not the world that now is. In other words, Genesis 1 ends with God seeing that, "behold, it was very good." The present world, however, is not all very good.

I remember reading of a deep "coring" that took place at or near the North Pole. They drilled down and pulled up tropical plants! That's right! Tropical plants buried at the North Pole. So, as the Bible says, the world that then was, was not the world that now is. I had to "get help" today, because two students were not cooperating. I wanted to "change gears" and do the regular book, even though today is usually a writing day. They did not take kindly at all to this change of plans. I am just very happy it is all over.



Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I am glad to say that Mom is sounding cheerful and unworried, as usual. Furthermore, as far as I know, her wrist and "tendon splice" are coming along as hoped. Apparently Mom had a "spare tendon" in her wrist, which they were able to use, to splice with the severed tendon to her thumb! She said that the doctors compared it to an extra button on a shirt, which is there just in case it is needed. How is that for God's ingenuity?

I am also happy to say that, while there is still frustration with that one "dead" class, among others, there is also progress, in my opinion. We decided the books we were using were part of the problem. We are going to get a new book, and I would really appreciate prayer for wisdom as I decide. I looked at one series, but do not want to use it, because of some of the content. God willing, I will receive some other sample books in the mail tomorrow, and be able to choose from among them.

The content I did not like included Horroscopes and fortune tellers. I have nothing to do with those things, and do not want my students exposed to them. I also do not like it when girls and women are drawn or photographed in immodest clothing.

The past two nights, I have been in bed by 10 PM! That is a miracle of miracles - and I pray it would continue. Two days ago, I had Andy Sohn and his daughter - Sohn Sooh Mihn - as well as Baeh Hoh Bihn over for spaghetti. Baeh Hoh Bihn, as usual preached the gospel to Andy Sohn. Bye for now.

Last night, Andy had me over, and I invited him to be a member of the church (i.e. the universal church - sometimes called the "Catholic" church, but not to be confused with "Roman Catholic"). Please pray for Andy. I believe he is very open to receiving Christ by faith.



Friday, July 7, 2006


Sorry to say it, but I heard some bad news. Mom was walking up the steps to our house (in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada), when she stumbled and fell. As far as I know, from this accident, she has a broken wrist and severed tendon. Surgery either happened yesterday or will happen today. Prayers would be appreciated as they can be uttered.

I sure am glad for the lighter schedule. The classes I am left with are wrenchingly frustrating at times, but at least there is a lighter load. Top of the list, ironically, is the class where most the students are absolutely dead. They sit there and say nothing. You try to make the questions as answerable as possible, and still they sit there like bumps on a log. Extremely, exasperatingly frustrating! But that's it for this week, folks.

God willing, I and some people from an English Bible study will climb Gwahnahk Mountain, about a "stone's throw" from my appartment. If God will, again, we will come back to my place, make spaghetti, and maybe even study the Bible a bit.

I skipped a unit in a textbook we are scrambling to finish - a) because we did not have time to do it; b) in honour of Perry F. Rockwood. One of my students asked me who Perry F. Rockwood was. I said he was a radio preacher in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada who hates TV. The Unit was entitled, "What's on TV." I said, "I can understand why Perry hates TV. There ARE some good things on TV, but there are also some bad things. Be careful with that old TV." Bye for now,


Sunday, July 2, 2006


I do not have to do overtime anymore, for now at least. In fact, I am going from 40 40-minute classes per week to 31 of them! I am thankful for that. I only pray that I would be a good steward of the extra free time, and make sure I get my sleep.

Last "Wednesday", I was kicking myself for being a bit late for my own adult class at the library. It was at 10:30, and I got there at 10:33! But nobody was there. Unbeknownst to me, It turned out there was no class that day, because it was the last week of the semester.

3 students had not known this either, so we opened the room, sat down and talked. Before we knew it, I was showing them some things from the Bible. One woman asked if I had a Bible study. I said, "Good question. I am praying about starting one." She said to tell her if I started it. We talked about vandalism, writing on bathroom walls, men lusting after other men (I call it sodomy), and other perversions. I said that the Bible talked about all these various perversions. They said, "Where?" So I found Leviticus 20, where many strange and abominable practices are forbidden. I explained that the earth (some people call her "Mother earth" and - while I do not call it that - I do grant that the Bible does use the pronoun "her" when referring to the earth) actually "gets sick" when the people living on it give themselves over to such perversions. One man with one woman for life is God's design - but if we try to "reinvent the wheel", we will get ourselves spewed out of the land.

Now a new teacher is to take over the library class, but I am thankful for the opportunity to fill in. As is likely apparent, I have not been shy about my opinions, and - while I do commit myself to walking in the fear of God, and letting my words be few when I ought to - I also believe there is a time to speak. And when it is time, I will speak. I know some of you will like my opinions better than others. I simply want to say they are heartfelt, and shared for the purpose of warning people not to go places that should be avoided. A friend once quoted a man who said, "I prefer my enemies to my friends, because they tell me the truth." According to the Bible, however, it is the true friend who gives faithful wounds, whereas the enemy - like Judas to Jesus - gives deceitful kisses (Proverbs 27:7 if not 6).



Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Okay....! That was quick! I was about to share a prayer request / piece of news. I was about to talk about the adult class I teach at the Science and Technology Library here in Gwacheon. It is a great class, as far as I know, but there had been one problem up until now (and I mean right now): I had no books! They had been doing American Headway 2, and when I came in to teach the class (after the previous teacher quit), I had no books! So a student graciously lent me hers. This was
fine for one class, and even for two. But yesterday, it was clear that I had better make sure I get my own book (if not books and a tape). The problem was (and still is to a degree), the previous teacher appartently did not even leave the books she had been using at the school. So, what was a new teacher to do?

I had asked Diane, my supervisor, about it, and she had said she would try and look into ordering more books for me, but the situation got neglected and - again - yesterday, in my third class at the library, it was obvious that I needed to get at least a student book for the next class. Well, I was all ready to start typing this, when, out of the corner of my eye, next to the computer, on one of the other teachers' desks, I saw a book - an American Headway 2 student book! Talk about "Before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will
hear" (See Isaiah 65:24)! Now, I still need either a teacher's manual, or a cassette tape (and both would be really nice) - but at least there is an American Headway 2 Student Book around here! Alleluia!


P.S. I just talked to Diane, my supervisor, and she said she had ordered a book and a tape already - so it should be arriving today. So it sounds like I will have all I need for the class tomorrow.

Monday, June 12, 2006


I am working some overtime until our two new teachers get here, if God will. The new teachers are a married couple, and I attended the TESOL institute at Providence College with the husband. I think it may be good to work a little harder, because it is either work, or "What to do?" - being relatively new here in Gwacheon city, and Korea, for that matter. After two four-day weeks, I figure, if it's time to work hard and earn some extra money, so be it.

I just started using "Tantrix" in class. What is Tantrix? Here is the website: I give them three tiles, get them to make a "triangle that works" with them, and then give them three more. It sure gives them some "mental food" to chew on ;).


Thursday, June 8, 2006

Teacher needed

One of the teachers here "took off", so we need another "native-speaker teacher" yet again (a classmate from my TESOL class and his wife have agreed to come in a month or so, which is good, but this new situation has created yet another "gap"). I would both appreciate you referring this to anyone who might want to teach here (who has a degree), and praying about the need (if you pray).

I recently met a Korean man named "Moon-Ooh", whom God obviously sent into my life. I met him at Dongsan English Worship, and he said he was new to the church. In the last two weeks, he has come over two times to help me get my appartment in order. It has been an utter transformation. This is what I really like about Koreans - they have no problem with making your problem their problem. If you have a dirty, messy appartment, and they can do something about it, they will! Bye for now.



Thursday, June 1, 2006


This week, we had a day off halfway through - yesterday. I was really thankful for that, because I was really "working out my salvation with fear and trembling", as a Bible verse from Philippians 2 says to do. The day off was an absolute life-saver. But I tried to take the train home last night, and got "kicked off the train" before my stop. There were no more trains, so I had to take a taxi, but I had no cash. My bank card would not work, so an employee at the station lent me 20,000 won (about 20 dollars)! Koreans! You have got to love them!


Friday, May 26, 2006

"Judgement" - good news!

Am I ever glad for yet another weekend! I discovered a student had been saying a Korean word with a foul meaning - which helped explain why the other students had laughed when he used it. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper, and let him know. I said if he ever used that word in my class again, I would write him up a "yellow card". He certainly knew I was not impressed. And it is this kind of thing that really makes me happy when I get to a weekend.

On the bright side, I had the privilege of sharing the good news about God's coming judgement with my last class. "Good news?", one may ask. "Yes", I would reply, "good news!" I was explaining that I would be happy to leave this world and go home (i.e. heaven), when a student said, "Don't you Christians say that unbelievers will go to hell?" I explained, "Well, I simply believe that, as sinners, we need our sins paid for. If our sins are not paid for, then we have reason to be concerned." I also recommended Psalm 96 and 98 for reading on the topic of why God's coming judgement is such good news. And I recommend it yet again, to anyone interested.

You see, we all suffer wrong, and we all know it ought to be judged. I ask, however, do we know that the judge of all the earth will, indeed, settle all accounts perfectly? According to the Bible, we ought to.



Saturday, May 20, 2006


I finally got to the weekend! Am I ever happy about that! I had no idea how I would make it, when the week started - but God saw me through. I am happy to say that it no longer looks like I have been "putting on weight", and my face has shrunk back down to its normal size. One positive outcome, however, was that Alice, one of my Kindergarten students, seemed to take a liking to my "chubby right-side-of-face" look, and even taught me the word "bok-bo!" Which means, "Kiss"! ;) She said my face was "Yae-poo-dah", which means "cute".

She said, "Bokbo!" and then when I went to get my hug (which I usually get)... smack! She kissed me on the cheek, and got a kiss on the cheek from me! So, let's just say - while I was not a fan of the "putting on weight" look, per se - I enjoyed the "bokbo"'s while they lasted (and they seem to have "dried up" since my face shrunk back down). Thanks for the continued prayers that have been offered on my behalf.

I learned something else today: when people park, sometimes they "block off" certain people, by parking directly behind them, and perpendicular to their vehicles. So, I wondered aloud as Nick, my Korean-born friend did just this, how would these people get out if they needed to. Nick explained that, because he was "blocking those people off, he followed the protocol of leaving his car in neutral, without the parking break on. That way, if someone needed to push his car out of their way with their hands, they could! Also, Nick explained, his "hand-phone" number was on the rear-view mirror, visible to the outside, so people could also phone his handphone if they needed to talk to him. Neat, eh?



Sunday, May 14, 2006

"Fix me"

I am over my sore throat, but now the right side of my face is swollen, and the doctor figured it was my right tonsil. He gave me antibiotics for two days. This last weekend was primarily spent in bed. Now, God willing, I have to teach another week with my health not at 100%. Your prayers for me would be appreciated. Some other possibilities for what might be wrong with me are: a right jaw that is out of joint, and a wisdom tooth that is still beneath the gums. Ultimately, God knows what is wrong, and I pray that he would "fix me".

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Sore Throat

I have a sore throat, and teaching when you are sick is a real drag. I pray I would get home and to bed "AEAP" ("As Early As Possible"). Teaching is still a challenge, as I continue to get used to the schedule, material, and the students (and as they get used to me - as usual. I have students telling me they cannot understand anything I say. I tell them that, in that case, they have some learning to do - because what I speak in class is authentic, "rubber-meets-the-road" English).

Today I had a Kindergarten student named "Eli" (pronounced like the word "alley") who - predictably - asked to go to the bathroom (whom I let go, knowing that if I did not, she would cry). Also predictable, however, was the fact that she kept asking to go to the bathroom. I put my foot down and said, "No." And, again - predictably - she cried. So I explained to her Korean Homeroom teacher that "one time" was OK, but "two times" was not. She, Eli, apologized, and I trust she will learn to act her age in my class.

I taught one of my classes their "ABC's in cursive writing." Some liked it better than others, but by the end, I think it had gone over pretty well. We only got up to "Nn", so I can do the other letters next time - which is good, because we do not have a book. The students talked about a certain writing book that we have here at the school, which they thought I should photocopy to use with them. I said, "Should I drive through a red light?" They said, "No." So I said, "I do not make illegal photocopies for the same reason." And I showed them the copyright notice at the front of a book.

This morning, I read through Psalm 51 in my "Korean King James Bible". It is taking me less and less time to get through Psalms or Chapters of other books in that Bible. It is amazing to me how much there is to learn when it comes to reading (and speaking) Korean. It is like waiting for a sunrise, when you have been staying up all night for it. The lights come on - agonizingly slowly, but surely. Bye for now.



Friday, May 5, 2006

Children's Day

Today is a day off! And I only found that out as I was getting kicked out of work last night (I was sitting on the computer as usual ;)). So I went to the sauna this morning and did the rounds. That included having a "Nok-Cha" or Korean Green Tea bath! It also included the "2-degree-Celcius" pool (the "cool-off" pool) and the two saunas (67 and 90 degrees celcius respectively). I also walked to and around Seoul Grand Park. Last "Saturday", I climbed Gwanak Mountain and could see Seoul from there. Gwacheon certainly has turned out to be the great place to live everyone says it is, so far. Teaching English is a day-to-day battle, but God is providing encouragement and rest. I also trust he will soon provide my wife.



Thursday, April 27, 2006

Back in "SK" - South Korea, that is!

I returned to Winnipeg from Saskatoon, flew to Japan, stopped there to
get my VISA, and continued on to South Korea, where I am now. God
willing, I will be here at work at 9:30 AM to teach... Kindergarten
students. Always an adventure, but I must admit the rewards can be
pretty sweet, so, bring it on!


Note after the fact! It is now m2/d11/2015; and reading this post? "Bring it on", indeed! I did not even know the HALF of what was going to happen. Let me say this, though: GOOD things happened! Extremely good! And - as far as I am concerned - they were only the tip of the iceberg. If I am discerning God's will correctly, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard", again, the HALF of the amazingly good things that are ABOUT to happen! As I said back then, I say it again: "BRING... IT... ON!"