Thursday, December 28, 2006

That was and is a statement of faith!

I mean the statement that I would, and will, God willing, start working at my old private school again. I still make that statement of faith, but admit it is only by faith that I make it. Then again, I suppose that, seeing it can only be made by faith, it is a good example OF faith - after all, if I had sight to go on, then faith would not be required, and how could I prove that I had faith. Therefore, Hallelujah! I praise God for this opportunity to demonstrate that I DO trust him to give me my job back - by faith, and faith alone. If you, the readers, would also be willing, I would ask that ye also believe, pray, and praise with me for God to - indeed - give me my job back. I believe there is a lot of important work to be done yet.


NOTE: I am just reading this LONG after the fact, on the 16th day of the 10th month, 2009. Looking back, obviously God DID answer my prayer; but, also obviously, his answer was "No". I never did get my job back. As things happened, I said, "Goodbye" to my students, and finally came back to Canada. I suppose it goes to show, soberingly, that we can "have faith" for things that do not actually wind up happening. Then again, who knows, maybe I will teach yet again someday...

Monday, December 25, 2006


Thanks for praying. Now, please pray God would mercifully redeem the private school I worked at, and - God willing - will resume working at soon.


As I said before (in other posts), after the fact, I can see that God had other plans, and that I was not to work at that private school. (Post Script Written 16th day/10th month/2009)