Saturday, March 17, 2007

"Hallelujah Anyway!"

1. Sorrow in, indeed, I toil'
And, indeed, up from the soil;
Thorns and thistles rise and prick,
Do I hard against them kick?
"Nay", I "say", without de-"lay"!
"Hallelujah, anyway!"

2. Tribulations shall have I,
Jesus said so, that is why;
Joking not was Jesus when,
He foretold disciples then;
"Cheer of, good, be"... I obey!
"Hallelujah, anyway!"

3. "Looking down the barrel" of,
Jesus was, the test of love;
which hath no man greater than,
Pierced ("peerst") would be his feet and hands;
Yet his joy he did convey -
"Hallelujah, anyway!"

4. Thought I knew what, wanted, I,
"Give me, Lord", my fervent cry;
"Abba", by no means was shy,
"Knuckled-white", my fingers, to pry;
Disappointed - yet I say:
"Hallelujah, anyway!"...

(More later, if God will)

Great sermon - "Counselled by God":

More new material here, for those interested:


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

"Don't Freak the Foreigner!"

I was at the train station last Lord's Day (a.k.a. "Sunday"), when I saw a man trying to jump down onto the tracks! His wife was trying to stop him, but he seemed disturbingly determined (he had taken off his winter coat, and was only in his suit - his wife was holding his coat). I "jumped in", and said, "Hey! Don't do that, mate! You're freaking me out!" I remember the advertisement for a game, where the jingle went "Don't Wake the Dragon!" I would alter that to, "Don't freak the foreigner!"

When he could see I was not going to let him "do that", he settled down, and pointed to a 100o Won (worth about a dollar) note he had dropped onto the tracks. He still jumped down onto the tracks to get the note, but he immediately then reached for my hand, and his wife's and we pulled him back up. I do not know exactly what he was thinking, but it looked like he had intentionally dropped the 1000 Won note onto the tracks, and was going to "jump down to get it" and never get back up. Either way, he and his wife thanked me, and called me a "sahm-mooh-soh" - or missionary (I have a beard these days, which seems to give me that look).

So, be ye encouraged! Your prayers and praise are saving lives.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Hooray for Cowper!

OK, I simply HAVE TO try and SHOW you exactly, just what it is I find so fascinating about these "jolly" hymns! I just got on the computer, and went straight to "God of my life, to thee I call", by William Cowper. I bounced away to the music, and drank in the encouragement, as if it where a crystal clear stream in a schorching dessert ("deh-zert") The song, in so many words, says, "HELP, LORD!" Here is the link:

OK - next hymn...

"Jesus, Whose Blood so free streamed" - again by William Cowper. I love the whole hymn, but especially the last two verses! They go like this:

Now, Lord, Thy feeble worm prepare!For strife with earth and hell begins;Conform and gird me for the war;They hate the soul that hates his sins.

Let them in horrid league agree!They may assault, they may distress;But cannot quench Thy love to me,Nor rob me of the Lord my Peace.

The hymn:

Next hymn...

"Holy Lord God! I love thy truth" - yet again by William Cowper. This verse explains very well, in my opinion, why I am still in Korea:

The prisoner, sent to breathe fresh air,And blessed with liberty again,Would mourn, were he condemned to wearOne link of all his former chain.

One of the "coming reformation" hymns, in my opinion.

Bye for now.


Thursday, March 1, 2007


The testing is more intense than ever, and - therefore - so shall the prayer and praise be! James 1:2 says to "count it all joy" when the temptation and testing are varied, and intense. Let's take his word for it, and go get "world-wide reformation" - if God will, of course. I did tell you about the "Outside the Camp" blog, already, but - in case the reminder helps - the link to that blog is below, and I just posted some things I have been writing. Please pray for the pulling down a strong-hold - here in Korea, and abroad.

In my opinion, it is that of being overly committed to "saving face". Sometimes we just plain sacrifice the future for the present - all so we can look and feel good. That is not how I live my life, and not how I would recommend anyone else live theirs. Instead, as Jesus said, "Be ye perfect (i.e. 'sincere')". If all we do is try to keep other people happy, we will never get anywhere with God (and we will wind up, tragically, killing ourselves).


Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I just answered a question, which perhaps some of you are wondering about: why did I not leave Korea, as planned, on 2/21/2007? The reason was, again, most importantly - it was not God's will. Now, the next question may well be: how did I know it was not God's will? Did I get a letter from heaven? No, I cannot say I did. I can, however, say that the sign was pretty unmistakable. The sign: my president, who was supposed to pay for the ticket (which he had agreed to do - although he was not, and still is not, apparently willing to pay me all he owes me), did not. I therefore rebooked for the 23rd, and - again - my president did not pay for the ticket. So, when I say it was not God's will, I am saying so, knowing that God sovereignly saw fit to let the tickets get canceled, that I might stay in Korea longer than I had expected. I now realize it was a good thing I did not leave, because there is more spiritual warfare to be waged - and I do not like leaving battles, until my part in them is finished. How am I waging this warfare - in the Spirit, and not in the flesh - and I am submitting to God's work in me, that he might more effectively minister through me.

By the way, these sermons I send, I send for a reason - I think they would be a huge blessing to you! They take time to listen to, but if ye make the time, I believe ye will be pleasantly suprized.



Sunday, February 25, 2007

Still waiting, walking, and feasting!

As usual, I am overwhelmed by the spiritual riches waiting to be indulged in "Outside the Camp" - and enjoying them immensely:

Other than that, I am waiting on God, and crying out to him for salvation - not only for me, but also for one of my former students.


Saturday, February 24, 2007


Thanks for bearing with me - seeing my supply of information has been "here and there". I am still in South Korea, and did eventually pay a visit to my old private school. They had my stuff - which a friend kindly picked up on my behalf since then. I also said "Goodbye" to my students. I was supposed to leave Korea on 2/21/2007, but that did not happen - because it was not God's will. As a matter of fact, it still is not God's will. I was keen on getting out of here, but now I am not. I am keen on doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God. I am also immensely enjoying sweet fellowship with God. More on that here:


"He that hasteth with his feet sinneth" (from Proverbs)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Final Countdown

I just listened to this sermon (by a Spanish man with a GREAT Spanish accent :)), and consider this a sermon. I humbly but boldly call on God for world-wide reformation. In my humble but unwavering opinion, the enemy has just handed it to us on a silver platter, by hardening his heart
over and over again (as did Pharoah), and I am simply saying, on behalf of God's people, "We'll take that - that you very much!" The sermon, entitled, "With God is Terrible Majesty":

And here is an online Bible (Authorized (King James) Version):

Seeking to bless you, and my fellow man, and to welcome down the blessings spoken of in
Psalm 67 (which, by all means, will be more fully fulfilled during the Millennial reign of Christ) - Sincerely,


...then shall the earth yield her increase (so we can stop whining about how
"overpopulated" the world is - whereas, in reality, we are just destroying and making
the earth barren with our sin; not to mention grossly mismanaging the abundance of food
that still grows in spite our sin), and God - even our own God - shall bless us (REALLY
bless us - not like now where he blesses us where he can, but finds himself painfully
limited by our sin in that regard). God shall (not "might") bless us, and all the ends of the
earth shall fear him. (the end of Psalm 67)

By the way, J. Vernon McGee explains that this is really a Messianic Psalm but - all the same - if someone reads that Psalm and it ministers to them; well, then that's just, as they say in Australia, "Fair dinkum!" (Just in case ye thought I was misapplying it).

P.S. This "Youtube" video has been a real blessing, too:

Friday, February 2, 2007

"He who hath ears to hear"

I have been losing myself in the hymns of John Newton, and just discovered this one:

I think it is very timely.

Here is the "John Newton" page, where ye can explore for yourselves:

I also recommend, among many amzing hymns, "I would but cannot sing":


Friday, January 26, 2007

Not Yet (in more ways than one)

I have "not yet" walked in. I was going to walk into the private school ("Hahk-Ooh..eon") yesterday, but realized it was definitely not time yet. If God will, I will walk in there when it is time. In the meantime, please pray for the children and staff there.

Oh! By the way, weeks ago, I stayed with a friend, whose marriage was "on the rocks"? Well, it has "not yet" failed (and I declare, by faith, that - God willing - it is not going to!) I stayed with THEM again, just recently, and THEY were still together! My friend said they love each other more than ever now, and described the salvation of his marriage a miracle!

I fought the break-up of their marriage with praise and prayers of faith. It did NOT look like they were going to make it at all. I was hoping against all hope, as I declared that God would save their marriage. Well, I have solid proof that prayer and praise "worketh" (i.e. works). Just in case ye needed, some "hard evidence" - ye have it! By all means, lets continue to uphold them in prayer and praise to the end that they may, indeed, not be put asunder. They may not have broken up, as far as I know, but the enemy is not giving up in his attempts to break them up, either.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

"Better Than I"

These are the lyrics for "Better Than I" - from the motion picture, "Joseph, King of Dreams" - "King James"-ed. Why, some of you, may ask, do I "King James" my English? In a nutshell, because I am a perfectionist, and I have come to learn that, for example, "thee", "thou", "thine" are singular pronouns. Therefore, when speaking in the second person, to only one person, I sometimes use those pronouns. Not always, however, because people some people might think I'm "cuckoo" if I did. When speaking to God, however, I acknowledge him as the one true God that he is, by addressing him as such, in the pronouns I use. Just in case ye ever wondered, that is a little insight into why I "do that". I do not mean to prove anything - although I have come to know my God as differing from me in that regard! Stay tuned!

Here's the link - and "King James"-ed lyrics (with the parenthetical word "might" added, as well ;)):

I thought I did what's right -
I thought I had the answers;
I thought I chose the surest road -
But, that road brought me here!

So, I put up a fight,
And told thee how to help me -
Now, just when I (might) have given up;
The truth is coming clear:

Thou knowest better than I -
Thou knowest the way;
I've let go the need to know why,
For thou knowest better than I!

If this has been a test,
I cannot see the reason -
But, maybe, knowing I don't know,
Is part of getting through.

I try to do what's best,
And faith has made it easy;
To see, the best thing I can do,
Is put my trust in thee - for...


I saw one cloud, and thought it was the sky,
I saw a bird, and thought that I could follow -
But, it was thee that taught'st that bird to fly,
If I let thee reach me, wilt thou teach me? For...

... I'll take what answers thou suppliest -
Thou knowest better than I.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

We Rest on Thee

2Ch 14:11 And Asa cried unto the LORD his God, and said, LORD, [it is] nothing with thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power: help us, O LORD our God; for we rest on thee, and in thy name we go against this multitude. O LORD, thou [art] our God; let not man prevail against thee.

Today, if God will, I return to my private school. Walking in those doors will be one of the ultimate "faith-walks" of my life. Thanks for praying and praising. By the way, ye can listen to, and sing along with, "Jehoshaphat" at Don Francisco's website:

Go to the "MP3"' area.



Saturday, January 20, 2007

One Night with the King

I just read the book with the above title, and was so blessed by it (it is based on the Book: "Hadassa"). I recommend it. The book I read was apparently based on "the movie", which I have not seen.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

"When Ahab heard Elijah's words..."

I recently wrote this hymn. The cyberhymnal (link below) has many "88.88.88" melodies. I like "Vernon", but a more familiar one is "Melita" (the tune commonly used for "Eternal Father, Strong to Save"):

1. When Ahab heard Elijah's words,
Contrition gripped his broken heart;
He softly went, with sackcloth girt,
And mercy did the LORD impart!
LORD, let us here with Ahab fall -
And, on thy name, repenting, call!

2. Did Ahab not the LORD provoke,
And, all before him, thus exceed?
Were not his "just desserts" the stroke?
Yet at the chapter's end we read:
"Because of his humility -
He shall not live that day to see"!

3. If Ahab, who had all outdone,
In wicked works, a pardon won;
What cloak have we to doubt his love?
His ways, - as heaven - our ways above!
There is forgiveness with the LORD ,
That, feared, he may be - and adored!

4. Our opportunity to pass;
That far from us be - let us cast,
Ourselves before the throne of grace;
With all our hearts look for his face;
Let us not laugh, but - rather - mourn,
With hearts, as well as garments, torn.

5. Indeed, a broken, contrite heart;
The LORD, no wise, in, will despise;
To condescend and take their part,
Run to and fro his searching eyes;
As Ahab proved so long ago;
"To wrath - omnipotently - slow!"

6. Then praise the LORD, ye holy saints!
Come, ever let us ever shout for joy!
His mercies new, he ever reigns!
To pardon, longing - not destroy!
For this, with thankful hearts we sing -
And every good and perfect thing!...

7. ...And by the way records the book,
That God, on Ahab's offspring, took;
The vengeance he had promis-ed,
Until they were completely dead;
God is not mocked, make no mistake -
Then fear him for his mercy's sake!

I Kings 21.29 "Seest thou how Ahab humbleth himself before me? Because he humbleth himself before me, I will not bring the evil in his days; but in the days of his sons will I bring the evil upon his house."

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"Kicking" "the kicking of habits"!

I believe God revealed something that really blessed me, and it may bless you: there is more to life than "kicking habits". In fact, there is more to life than habits, period (or "full stop"). By all means, habits are an important matter, but not the most important. God cares about what we do, but Oh, does he ever care just as much about HOW we do it. In short, God sees through the outward appearance of what we do, and into our hearts.

Jesus was a friend of "sinners" - people with "bad habits". When others complained about this, he explained that he had come to call - not the righteous - but sinners, to repentance. Sinners - people with bad habits - people who "need help".

How much of our time and energy do we spend trying (and FAILING) to "kick bad habits"! What should we do? Walk with God! When we do that, bad habits "drop off" - just like the cocoon the butterfly leaves behind as it flies away. This I happily and joyfully speak from experience.

It is not hard to walk with God - it is the easiest thing I have ever done! It is not only hard, however, to "kick bad habits" - it is I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E! I am so fed up with "trying to kick bad habits", that I am going to give that exasperating practice a proverbial "kick"!

(The following highlighted portion is being written on 15th day/10th month/2009) "Kick!" Now I'll just wait on God to deliver me from activities that are keeping me from his best for me. Thanks, Joel Osteen, for helping me relax and not beat myself all up; while at the same time resolving to turn some important corners (by the way, he did this in "Become a Better You", which I am reading a second time. And, yes, I recommend it (of course, acknowledging that there are some moments where you just plain have to bear with dear brother (and Pastor) Joel.


Daniel Robbins

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Psalm 85:6

"Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?"

Friday, January 12, 2007

New blog...

"Psalms and Proverbs once a month"

Thursday, January 11, 2007


I realize that what I have been sharing has been "off the wall". Perhaps it has served to cause the rest of us to think. If so, Hallelujah (and all glory be to God for that)! I do, by all means, believe it is time for us to repent, and - please, let me start: "God be merciful to me, a sinner - and be merciful to us - sinners! In Jesus' name, amen." We, I think, only repent, when we realize that something is wrong with us - and, with that in mind, I repent! If my posts can help wake us up to our need for repentance, then I give all the glory to God for such success, again, in Jesus' name - amen!



I know, O LORD, that thy judgements are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me. Psalm 119:75

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Still alive - by the grace of God!

I am still alive - by the grace of God; but because of the grace of God, even the most vicious attempts of the enemy to rob, kill, and destroy me are utterly futile. Last night, I knew there were three places I would not be staying - and they were the only three options I had, except one...

...Problem was, I thought at the time, it would be kind of nice for my cell phone BATTERY to be CHARGED so I could call my friend! My phone keeps dying, and I do not have the charger. Furthermore it is a very old phone, so most methods of charging do not work. Only "LG" shops seem to be able to do it - and I have been staying in unfamiliar places, so getting my phone charged just plain has not been happening.

I found my friend's number in my pocket, however, and called him from a payphone. It was late in the day, however, and - for all I knew - possibly too late. Praise the LORD, it was not. We agreed to meet somewhere "between 10 and 11 PM." As payphones do when I am calling someone's cellphone, it "schreeched " (no, wait, actually "BLARED") in my ear, and not too long after, "died". Oh well, I thought, I would just have to be there by 10 PM... Later, I arrived at the place at 10:15 PM. He was not there, so I went and called him from a payphone again. He had left, assuming I was not coming, and was already on the highway (he had been waiting there since at least 9 PM!)

I apologized for being late. He asked me where I would stay. I said I did not know, but knew God would provide. He said to go wait at the place, and he would "double back" to get me! I waited a very long time, and even had to resolve in my mind I would simply trust that he would come back, as he had said. Finally, he arrived. He said it had cost him about 150 KILOMETERS to double back like that! Again, welcome to Korea (where they bend over backwards for you when you need it)! I told my friend he had come to my rescue that night, because I simply had no other place to go. I was at the end of my rope - plain and simple. But he did come back - Hallelujah!


Daniel Robbins

P.S. Here is a great John Newton hymn: