Friday, May 15, 2015

Somebody asked me...

...why I don't simply move back to Manitoba; seeing I keep flying if not driving back there. Upon reflection, however, it is perfect for me to be right where I am! For one thing (as I said), I'm making money here!



Thursday, May 14, 2015

My Dad told me a joke:

After the NDP won a majority in Alberta, the people in the oil industry slept like babies that night. Every two hours, they woke up crying!



Monday, May 11, 2015

I watched the Flames' game...

... I learned that my cousin, from Calgary, was actually AT THE GAME in Anaheim! Therefore, I decided to go to Boston Pizza and see the game. It was good, but, obviously, they lost in overtime. Oh, well! At least now Winnipeg is not the only team to taste defeat at the hands of "The Ducks".

I don't like the thought of "losing", personally. Of not being able to marry whom I would love to - but I do know it does happen, and that is OK.


Friday, May 8, 2015

I love Alberta...

...but they do have one particular idiosyncrasy that I find outrageous and infuriating. Feel free to ask me about it sometime, if you would like to know about it.



Thursday, May 7, 2015

Will I actually...

...cheer for the Flames? Well, I wouldn't have thought so - hearing some reports I was hearing from the "Red Mile"; but then I learned that the coach was voicing his disapproval of such shady antics! And - I must say - he is earning my respect! Good-on-'im!



P.S. Oh - and, by the way: I was stating the above AT WORK! The fact that I like that coach for disapproving of the shady antics on the "Red Mile"... and there was SILENCE! I think they didn't know what to think or say. Could ye remember me in prayer? I am doing what I can to be a "prophet" at work. After all, my name IS "Daniel" - meaning "God IS my judge!" Hallelujah!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I got there after eight...

...which turned out to be too late. Oh well! I did what I could! Looks like God just set up one, and put down another! (See Daniel IIII)



Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Looks like I've got a vote to cast...

... and I pray I will have wisdom as I do it.
