Friday, January 29, 2016

I got my new debit card...

...and I so thankful it is the weekend. It does mean, though, that I am free to decide what to do. I like that freedom, but do not want to have it for ever. I want to, one of these days, "have to" do stuff - even on the weekends! Not yet, though, and I am OK with that.



Thursday, January 28, 2016

The weather has been amazing!

...But I had better go get another debit card! (Mine apparently has worn out, because it doesn't work when I try to use it, anymore).



Wednesday, January 27, 2016

By the way...

...I happen to think there is nothing wrong with my really wanting to get married. I know some think it is possible to want it TOO much. Furthermore, they are actually right! Oh, well! That is a risk I am simply going to have to take. "God! Remember me! Please! In Jesus' name, amen!"



Monday, January 25, 2016

I am thankful...

...for the staff at the library! They have restored yet another lost item to me! This time, it was my orange backpack! When I finally get married (and I know I talk about that a lot - but I happen to be really looking forward to it), then I will REALLY be, similarly, thankful.



Friday, January 22, 2016

Yet another...

...amazing sunset! Today, it is definitely a "Chinook sunset"! When there is a Chinook, there is an arch of clear sky over the mountains. Of course, this also means the weather today was very mild - maybe even above zero Celsius, or 32 Fahrenheit. By the was, I added another two verses to "Brokenhearted" below. The last verse, however, is kind of shrouded - but for a reason!



Thursday, January 21, 2016

The sunset!

It was so glorious! It definitely makes me thankful to live here. And it is not the only thing. Alberta, you have a lot going for you - just don't forget to repent, as I said earlier. Even trust me on that one, as needs be. The last thing I want to see is God having to plague you any further. By the way, the rest of Canada? Definitely, let us repent! We have so much to lose, and we are going to lose it unless we repent! Repent of what? Ask God!



Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Another thing about that song I mentioned - revised yet again!

It was somewhat uncertain what he started off singing. Was he singing: "This is a song for the brokenhearted..."? Then I watched the song with lyrics, and discovered it was, "This AIN'T a song for the brokenhearted..." Well! This one sure is!

Brokenhearted - by me (to the tune of the hymn "O, the Sweet, Sweet Love of Jesus":

1. Bro-ken... hear-ted, sore a-flic-ted, heavy la-den weak and frail!
In the flesh I stand convicted - to be perfect, how I (would) fail!
Though I long to be more like thee - walk more closely at thy side,
My best ef-forts naught avail me, unless I, in thee, a-bide.

2. Bro-ken hearted, e-ver mourning my own wretchedness of soul!
"Lord," I cry, "if thou art willing, thou canst make me perfect - whole"!
See him loo-king with com-passion on my mi-serable estate;
"I am wil-ling, be thou clean made," - cleansing come im-me-diate.

3. Bro-ken hearted people did the Lord, our "Jesus", come to "save",
So take heart, ye brokenhearted, to the spear, his heart, he gave;
To repentance, sinners, not the righteous, Jesus came to call,
Jesus, in thy grace and mercy, quickly come and save us all...

4. Bro-ken hear-ted, poor in spi-rit; blessed ("blest") are we at Jesus' word!
What God hath laid up for us, eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard!
Come to him, ye wea-ry hea-vy la-den souls with bro-ken hearts!
Learn of him, re-ceive the bless-ed yoke and burden he imparts!

5. (Drop it down a key for this verse, if ye woud like...)
Bro-ken hearted - melan-choly! Feeling, to say the least, "down"!
Let the fool-ish, in their fol-ly, on such a con-dition frown!
Je-sus was a man of sor-rows, and, a-bout grief, knows it all!
Rest as-sured, the bro-ken-hearted, shall be saved, who, on him, call!

6. Take your bro-ken box of al-la-bas-ter and, on Jesus, pour!
Others people may not understand it, he'll stand up, you, for!
Are a broken spirit and a contrite heart what it's...all...a-bout!
Come to him, and claim his guarantee that he will not cast out!

7. "God! My heart is broken! And I hate my very life so much!
How I need to move this mountain, and receive thy healing - touch!
Show me how to be a blessing, and the world turn upside down!
And see 'breakthrough', i.e. '-15 -6,282,801, -156,798,403 -71,217,706 3,739,549,862 -136,052"!



Sunday, January 10, 2016

Listening to the following song right now... - revised


Love me if ye can

I offer a caveat, though: I refuse to worry about anything - even what "children" are learning from television. I do, however, agree that it is extremely evil, and that any parents of children with access to television, let alone cable, should be very watchful. I have experienced both having and not having television - and I definitely must say I do not plan to have it. My landlord has one, but it is behind "sliding doors", and he only uses it to watch DVD's. Another family I know has a television, but the mother sowed a cover to put over the screen of it, and sowed onto it the verse: "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes."



P.S. I don't have a shotgun, myself, but definitely disagree with "gun control"!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

I must say!

Albertans, ye have a lot to repent of! Ye have too much money! As Jesus said, "Woe unto you rich!" Got ears to hear? Then hit the floor and cry for mercy! Now!

