Monday, April 25, 2016

Time to get home...

...I lingered at work again, which can get late; especially when I let it!



Sunday, April 24, 2016

The weather...

...has cooled off. It was surprisingly warm - and even hot - previously. We even set a record one day for the hottest it had been that day for over a hundred years. My landlord even says there may be snow this week. And to think it is this week that I fly, God willing, back to Winnipeg. I pray that God will - as I have prayed before - remember me; in Jesus' name, amen.



Friday, April 15, 2016

I love Alberta...

...and even Calgary; but that love compels me to, again, call for repentance!



Friday, April 8, 2016

By the way...

...I do happen to think it an outrage that society would be so quick to condemn my dreams, but thinks it is so normal the way people - even young people - and even younger and younger people with time; are fornicating left, right, and centre. Then again, however, how interested does the CHURCH seem to be in helping these same people to EITHER abstain OR get married? Sadly, I have found: really, not at all! And my question? WELL, WHY NOT! And my exhortation? WAKE UP!



Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I read... - revised

...Proverbs V today, and was reminded to keep waiting for the "wife of my youth". I pray, however, that God will remember that, though I consider myself young, I am not as young as I once was - or getting any younger with age; in Jesus' name. Amen.


Monday, April 4, 2016

...And... - revised

...I just visited the Crow's Nest Pass, where I spent the first three years of my life. One special experience was finding the house I used to live in. Here is how I found it:

When I was three, I somehow figured out how to walk from my house to the ice cream parlor - and I learned that, when I did, they would give me a free ice cream cone. Then, I would walk back home. I did this for quite a while until I failed to FINISH my ice cream cone before I GOT HOME! Then, my mom started to figure out where I was GOING on these escapades.

Before I knew it I had arrived at the ice cream shop again and was going to GET my ice cream cone, when I was scooped off my feet and spanked! It was my mom! She had "prevented" me! In other words, she had gotten to the ice cream shopped ahead of me!

Well, last "Son-Day", I parked my rental car near the ice cream shop, and set out to find the house that I had lived in. It was a lot of work, but I found it. But then I tried to recall the route I must have taken from my house to the shop; and for the life of me? I cannot say I know how I did it! Especially as a three year old. I know it started with the "dirt road" just as I came out of the house.

So not only did I move from Steinbach to Winnipeg at age 11, but also from the Crow's Nest Pass to Steinbach at the age of 3. But, then again, my older brother must have been 7; because he is over four years older than me - and that move (to Steinbach) was especially hard on him. Anyway, that might help explain why I am such a "stranger in the earth" (see Psalm CXIX.19). And also why I love it so much when I get to visit certain friends back in the Steinbach area. After all, I spent some pretty formative years of my life in that town.

