Friday, January 30, 2015

Amazing weather!

I sure am thankful for the mild weather we have been enjoying here in Calgary this winter. It helps to make up for last winter, which - they tell me - was one of the worst ones they had had; at least in a very long time!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Blending Dilemma

I made my first "smoothie" (if I could call it that) yesterday. I did not, however, add any ice; in spite of the fact that the "recipe's" call for it - and even my sister says you really should. And, I admit, it was "sludgy"! I just cannot say I like the idea of adding ice to my "smoothies"! If I could find some alternative that didn't involve ice, but still tasted good, I would be very relieved!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Just bought a Blendtec!...

...And looking forward to putting it to work for me. Alex, however - as he was driving me to "Myric", to buy the blender - mentioned I might be able to get a "cheap" one at Walmart. To this, I replied that I do not want a cheap blender! That's why I was willing to pay over a thousand BUCKS! And pay that I did! Hooray!

Daniel Robbins

Thursday, January 15, 2015

I was reading...

Proverbs 16 today. It starts: "The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue; is of the LORD, or Jehovah... All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes - but the LORD, or Jehovah, trieth the hearts..."

Definitely verses I take to heart these days.

And is ends with, "The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD, or Jehovah." By the way, if you ever wonder why I keep saying, "or Jehovah" after "LORD", I can explain if you would like."


Daniel Robbins

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Hello from Alberta!

I finally live in Calgary now! I tried to get work here in 1997, 2004, and 2007! Now, again, I finally get to live here! I love it, but I am also glad I had to wait this long to live here. How long will I be here? For as long as God wills! For now, at least, however, I am making WAY more than I have to spend on rent! (By the way, I have my MOTHER to thank for this fact! I came THIS CLOSE to moving into a "place of my own", which would have cost me almost twice as much rent per month! I love my mother!)