Tuesday, September 29, 2015

And I need that...

...to be ASAP! Not that I am desperate! In fact, "I'm not desperate". I have to say that, however, in the same way that the man says, "I'm not dead yet!" in one of Monty Python's dark comedy episodes. I am, however, OF A TRUTH, "Not dead", and I refuse to even WANT TO be! And, believe me! That is a BATTLE! I do not know HOW many times today I had to tell myself, "I want to..." And then, as I think I have said before, deliberately fill in the blank! "...LIVE!" I miss you so much! I hope ye at least can find blessing in knowing that ye are loved - because ye sure are!


Monday, September 28, 2015

I see it is time...

...for me to REALLY hunker down and learn to be happy with my current situation. I miss you, though, friends, more than I can say - and the next time I see you, I am afraid I will have to "lion-hug" you all!



Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015


I would really love to have my wife by my next birthday, but of course I understand if that does not happen. In that case, engaged? If not that, green light on getting engaged? And if even not that, I do understand, but how in the world is that fair?


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Very encouraging!

Cuong said Shawn really liked my work on the last job I did for him! :)


Wednesday, September 16, 2015


In my 1611 edition, not only does it have a plan for reading Psalms and Proverbs once a month; but it also has a whole calendar for chapters you can read for you morning and evening lessons. I think two days ago, I decided to look up the lesson for the day, and read it. It was going through Nahum, Matthew, Romans. Nahum reminded me that God knows full well how to deal with wickedness (which was good to know, again, seeing I was dealing with (RICH!)-TWENTY-YEAR-OLD-IN-THIS-DAY-AND-AGE profanity at work; which is somehow even worse than was already goes on there (and that does say a lot!) I also read Habakkuk 2 and 3 - very good reads. But, today, it had me starting in on I Corinthians. The thing is, I had read in the New Testament up to the end of Romans and sort of "stalled". Therefore, this Bible reading calendar has served at a very helpful "jumpstart" right there! Also, in Zephaniah 1 today, I realized that that was written in the days of Josiah; something I cannot say I knew off the top of my head. The thing is: Josiah was actually, really, the best king Judah ever had! I was, therefore, thinking: "I wonder if Zephaniah's prophecy was against those who were "waiting in the wings" to drag things back down as soon as Josiah was gone (which, sadly, did happen after he was gone).

I must say, I feel like I put my heart on the line with my last mailing, and really do pray it will be a blessing!



Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015

A love Alberta, but...

...I miss my friends! ;(


Wednesday, September 9, 2015


...I came upstairs and logged on to a two-hour computer (but now it is only giving me ninety minutes; which is interesting, because obviously they are "doubling up" the time I spent on the fifteen minute computer downstairs, and docking me accordingly).


Wow! Are my fifteen minutes on this computer...

...ever running out!


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Speaking of having to roar in order to smile...

...punctuality is not a strong point for me, OK? And, by the way, friends? I love you! YE are IMPECCABLY punctual, and I have NO IDEA how ye do it. (I know I am "ye"-ing you right now, and I pray it will not seem "5,133,743". I do it, because these so called "archaic" pronouns have meaning - and I was fascinated when I learned that they do). For example: I throw a birthday party. I say what time it will start. Seriously! I have trouble being ready on time for my OWN BIRTHDAY party! My friends? They are THERE! RIGHT ON TIME! And I am SCRAMBLING to get down there and greet them! It is do mortifying! Ye are my heroes, OK?

So! Along the way I figure out that I have GOT! TO! STOP! BEING! LATE! FOR! INTERVIEWS! (I know, I am also employing a lot of capitalization and exclamation marks - "...AFTER! EVERY! WORD!..." ;))

Then, in Moose Jaw: I have an interview. I am driving to it. I am running out of time. I am going to be late for the interview. I am frustrated. REALLY frustrated. Then, however, I decide I am going to smile... and I do smile... but between me and that smile... is a ROAR!

And did I ever have to ROAR before I could smile (in my car, in that case, of course, which was good!) I got that roar out of my system, and then I smiled. And NICE BIG FAT smile! A "SMILING ON PURPOSE BECAUSE I AM SO! HAPPY!" smile! ;)

And, of course, I still go to the interview - because it is too late to not be late for it, and who can tell... The guy? Wasn't ready for me yet anyway. I still had the interview. (And that was simply good practice for future interviews, seeing I never got hired there after all!)

OK! Fast forward to Alberta. I already have a job offer. I am on my way to another interview in Cochrane - and, again, running out of time. So I phone them with my cell phone.

I was late enough that they even had to reschedule the interview. I STILL GOT A JOB OFFER there!

Then I drive into Calgary for yet another interview. I am DETERMINED! to be on time. Therefore, I FIND THE PLACE well in advance, and have to use the washroom, so I go in and ask to use their washroom. I am an HOUR EARLY!

Kevin, however, the Sales Manager, takes me an hour early, and gives me SEVERAL HOURS. And he makes me the best offer of them all! That is why I live in Calgary now!

So there is a story of how life REALLY MAKES ME ROAR sometimes, but I love it anyway! And, friends? Again! I love YOU! "Hooray and yea!" (They rhyme!)

I want to say this again! When? Ye? Show up? For my birthday? On time? And I'm not ready? I cannot describe how mortifying that is! And ye love me anyway! Thank you! I miss you! :(


Monday, September 7, 2015

Vanities of vanities... - revised

...all is vanity. And I ache from loneliness, but I also resolve, right here... and now... to...

...smile! There I just did it. And I didn't even have to roar first! That's progress. See, I once wrote a poem called: "A Lion Hath Roared" (it was a reference to me, and my roaring). Here! http://www.outsidethecamp.blogspot.ca/ (you have to scroll down a bit)

Then I wrote "A Lion Hath Roared, Part II". It starts:

"A lion hath roared a second time, /
And, I admit, it was quite the chime! /
This time, however, it didn't go so well, /
Because I roared in a jolly hotel!..."

It is the story of how I got "beside myself" in a hotel in South Korea, and really did roar! The thing is, though, the night before, other people had been making a lot of very disruptive noise - which I had not appreciated. Therefore, though they tried to insist I get out right away, I insisted on getting out at Noon, which was checkout time. Not that I was proud of having roared in their hotel - but, again, I had been disturbed the night before - and I had not even roared at night; it was day time! Anyway - that is the story behind that.

Now, I did roar at my ¯yroth¯vr when I was kicking hi¯n out, but, other than that, no roaring this time around! And - again - I didn't have to roar before I could smile; and that is definitely progress! See, sometimes, I am so frustrated, but then I determine to smile, but then between me and that smile is a ROAR! That absolutely has to come out! This time, I was able to simply smile, which is actually a miracle!

There are certain friends out there, and I pray they will know that I miss them.



Sunday, September 6, 2015

Big Valley...

...Creation Science Museum. We finally got there - my landlord and I. I loved it, but I overheard my landlord chatting with the lady at the entrance (who works there), and - as I have said repeatedly - I am convinced that we must be born again!

