Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lepers, Four

(Please refer to II Kings, chapters 6 and 7)

1. Lepers, four, outside the gate, /
They do, "Who knows what for?", wait! /
So, they start to think out loud; /
With some common sense endowed... /

2. "Sitting here until we die?... /
We're again, this, doing, why? /
If we went into the city,
We would die, and, 'What a pity'...!

3. If we just kept sitting here, /
We would also die - that's clear; /
So that leaves us with a third /
Option, which may sound absurd; /

4. Let us to the Syrians fall, /
Out of "other options", all! /
If they save us, live ("liv"), we will, /
Or we but die, if they kill. /

5. We may seem a little mad, /
But the worst is not that bad! /
When we, choices, these, from, choose, /
What have we, indeed, to lose!" /

6. Little are these men aware, /
That there is NOBODY THERE! /
Why? Because that's what God wanted, /
And, with spooky noises, haunted; /

7. Syrians were gripped with fear, /
And declared, "We're out of here!" /
All their goods they left behind, /
For/"four" the lepers, poor, to find! /

8. I think they had, hard, to blink, /
Shrug their shoulders, eat and drink! /
It was too good to be true, /
But what else were they to do! /

9. Loads of spoil they took away, /
But, before it, yet, was day; /
They confessed it was their duty, /
To report on all this booty! /

a. Tidings good did they proclaim, /
And I bring to you the same! /
"In the camp, there is no man! /
As approached we, off they ran! /

b. In abundance there is meat! /
All we have to do is EAT! /
In your mind the siege remains, /
And, hi-ther-to, 'hunger pains'; /

c. But get out here and behold! /
Raiment, silver, food, and gold! /
In the city, why, remain, /
And the famine, by, be slain...

d. Are ye hungry, not, enough, /
While, ourselves, out here, we stuff? /
God who promised to provide, /
Opened heaven's windows wide; /

e. Those who, with the king, do doubt, /
Go ahead and check it out! /
Think it's "too good to be true"? /
Why would God - his will - not do! /

f. In-ve-sti-gate - 'send and see'! /
'Flourishing and fat', we'll BE!" /
Let God figure out the "how"! /
Every knee, indeed, WILL BOW! /

(Please refer to Psalm 92:14)

g. (Now, remember the reward, /
Of the unbelieving lord; /
Tasted not what, saw, his eyes, /
Rather, wait on God! be wise!) /

h. (By the way, OF COURSE, I do, /
Think man will be saved too!  /
He just, on the spoil, missed out, /
Be-cause of his silly doubt!) / ;)

j. Let not circumstance deceive! /
But behold - by faith! Believe! /
God, the world, will save! Redeem! /
I, of that day, Daniel, dream! /

k. Though, impossible with man, /
Do that sort of thing, God can! /
And he WILL, the Scriptures say! /

(See last part of Isaiah 45)

m. As for those who think not so, /
"Their eyes open! Let them know! /
Help us see with, of faith, eyes, /
And let hope, within us, rise!" /

n. Here is what I know for sure, /
We need longer not endure; /
Evil teachings which we hate, /
It is by no means too late... /

p. For us to be born again, /
Even if we're "older men"! /
God is not a twisted fiend, /
We, this misconception, gleaned; /

q. From what I know now to be, /
Zora-Astrianism -we... /
Are like sheep and went astray, /
And I, to the Father, pray: /

r. "Give us ears to hear - discern, /
Help us, once again, to learn; /
To, the shepherd, GOOD, on, wait, /
And, what's horrible? To hate!"

s. This I pray, in Jesus' name, /
And the nations - "heathen" - claim; /
For I know that it's our task, /
To sim-ply step up and ask! /

(See Psalm 2)

t. Thank thee for the gift of life, /
Set us free from all this strife; /
And wean us of vain traditions, /
This the end of my submissions! / :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

None Desolate

To the tune of "How Marvelous" (a.k.a. "I Stand Amazed in the Presence...")

1. The LORD, I will bless at all... times,/ His praise shall
Be in my mouth, and the hum...ble,/ Shall see it and happy be!...

None... desolate! None... desolate!... None of them,... that trust in him!...
None... desolate! None... desolate!... Jesus! Save... us from our sins...

2. My soul shall make her bo...ast,/ In... the Lord alone!...
Oh, may I love him the most, Who.../ The most love, to me, hath shown...

3. They looked to him and were li...gthened -/ Their faces were not ashamed,/
We who were dead, did he qui...cken,/ Were ruined, but he reclaimed...

4. Oh! Fear the Lord, ye sa...ints,/ and seek him with your whole heart,/
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,... and/ Salvation he will impart...

5. Then come, ye brokenhearted,/ And look unto him, and live.../
And find him true to his pro...mise,.../ To live, everlasting, give!

P.S. I not live in Moose Jaw, and work for Moose Jaw Truss. ;)