Friday, February 26, 2016

Alright Alberta:

We are having some REALLY nice weather right now, and I do appreciate that! I simply pray that ye will be brought to repentance, because righteousness exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people.



P.S. And, Manitoba and Saskatchewan? I have lived in you, too, and ye need to repent as well. Better yet: we!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

By the way...

...I definitely appreciate the benefits of living here. This morning, I tried to take a bus, and realized something: I really appreciate the train! This is the first Canadian city I have lived in, where there is a train system, as well as bus. If there is any reason I have prayed for plagues, however, it is the utter apathy regarding the way people talk on your buses and trains. It tells me ye actually think it is OK, and nothing could be further from the truth.



Sunday, February 14, 2016


...And Calgary, in particular? I have prayed for plagues on you! For God to TAKE AWAY your money - in Jesus' name! Why? Because I love you!


Friday, February 5, 2016


...I miss my friends, and I need to see them ASAP! In Jesus' name, amen!


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I have to say...

...sometimes I feel weary! I think: "How am I making my friends feel? Good?" I certainly hope so, but I do agonize at times! I will say this, though: having a baby does involve discomfort. If I could eliminate the discomfort, especially for you, I definitely would! At the very least, I pray God will help you with it, in Jesus' name, amen!



Monday, February 1, 2016

I got tested...

...I had just finished reading, "Every Day a Friday", by Joel Osteen, and then today hit! Well it was actually a second day of the week ("Son-Day" being the first); and it hit hard! It sure flew by, though! No two ways about that! All I can say right now is something I have already say, and - friends - I'm saying it! OK?...

"...I love you!..." "...and forget me ever not loving you..." "...ever..." "...and seeing it is not an option to ask to simply die and get out of this, I really need you!..."
