Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I just answered a question, which perhaps some of you are wondering about: why did I not leave Korea, as planned, on 2/21/2007? The reason was, again, most importantly - it was not God's will. Now, the next question may well be: how did I know it was not God's will? Did I get a letter from heaven? No, I cannot say I did. I can, however, say that the sign was pretty unmistakable. The sign: my president, who was supposed to pay for the ticket (which he had agreed to do - although he was not, and still is not, apparently willing to pay me all he owes me), did not. I therefore rebooked for the 23rd, and - again - my president did not pay for the ticket. So, when I say it was not God's will, I am saying so, knowing that God sovereignly saw fit to let the tickets get canceled, that I might stay in Korea longer than I had expected. I now realize it was a good thing I did not leave, because there is more spiritual warfare to be waged - and I do not like leaving battles, until my part in them is finished. How am I waging this warfare - in the Spirit, and not in the flesh - and I am submitting to God's work in me, that he might more effectively minister through me.

By the way, these sermons I send, I send for a reason - I think they would be a huge blessing to you! They take time to listen to, but if ye make the time, I believe ye will be pleasantly suprized.



Sunday, February 25, 2007

Still waiting, walking, and feasting!

As usual, I am overwhelmed by the spiritual riches waiting to be indulged in "Outside the Camp" - and enjoying them immensely:


Other than that, I am waiting on God, and crying out to him for salvation - not only for me, but also for one of my former students.


Saturday, February 24, 2007


Thanks for bearing with me - seeing my supply of information has been "here and there". I am still in South Korea, and did eventually pay a visit to my old private school. They had my stuff - which a friend kindly picked up on my behalf since then. I also said "Goodbye" to my students. I was supposed to leave Korea on 2/21/2007, but that did not happen - because it was not God's will. As a matter of fact, it still is not God's will. I was keen on getting out of here, but now I am not. I am keen on doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God. I am also immensely enjoying sweet fellowship with God. More on that here:



"He that hasteth with his feet sinneth" (from Proverbs)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Final Countdown

I just listened to this sermon (by a Spanish man with a GREAT Spanish accent :)), and consider this a sermon. I humbly but boldly call on God for world-wide reformation. In my humble but unwavering opinion, the enemy has just handed it to us on a silver platter, by hardening his heart
over and over again (as did Pharoah), and I am simply saying, on behalf of God's people, "We'll take that - that you very much!" The sermon, entitled, "With God is Terrible Majesty":


And here is an online Bible (Authorized (King James) Version):


Seeking to bless you, and my fellow man, and to welcome down the blessings spoken of in
Psalm 67 (which, by all means, will be more fully fulfilled during the Millennial reign of Christ) - Sincerely,


...then shall the earth yield her increase (so we can stop whining about how
"overpopulated" the world is - whereas, in reality, we are just destroying and making
the earth barren with our sin; not to mention grossly mismanaging the abundance of food
that still grows in spite our sin), and God - even our own God - shall bless us (REALLY
bless us - not like now where he blesses us where he can, but finds himself painfully
limited by our sin in that regard). God shall (not "might") bless us, and all the ends of the
earth shall fear him. (the end of Psalm 67)

By the way, J. Vernon McGee explains that this is really a Messianic Psalm but - all the same - if someone reads that Psalm and it ministers to them; well, then that's just, as they say in Australia, "Fair dinkum!" (Just in case ye thought I was misapplying it).

P.S. This "Youtube" video has been a real blessing, too:


Friday, February 2, 2007

"He who hath ears to hear"

I have been losing myself in the hymns of John Newton, and just discovered this one:


I think it is very timely.

Here is the "John Newton" page, where ye can explore for yourselves:


I also recommend, among many amzing hymns, "I would but cannot sing":

